Peyton Lane Homes is an example of a sensitive and neighbourly laneway development. The proposed density and landscaped spaces are similar to the existing conditions within the area. Peyton Lane is a serviced laneway, with existing residential, commercial and institutional uses. The site of our proposal is currently occupied by three concrete block storage buildings and paving.
The proposal provides three mid-sized homes sensitive to their context, and actively helps to form and improve the lane-scape. The proposed buildings are subordinate in height, mass and scale, to the surrounding street houses. The sloping roofs allow winter sunlight to penetrate the glazed south facade of the adjacent house. The rear garden introduces greenery and minimizes overlook and intrusion of privacy.
The laneway façade is articulated vertically and horizontally. It is scaled to the width of the lane and the existing buildings on the lane. Vertical greenery, on trellis work, enriches the lane-scape and shades the interior. The floor of the living space is a concrete slab that acts as a thermal mass, absorbing heating during the day and releasing it at night. All materials and finishes are chosen for their low environmental impact.